nice... its nice but is it real? | xltronic messageboard
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nice... its nice but is it real?

Yuurei on 2001-06-13 12:29 [#00009473]

ok well i have downlouded two songs Film and Nice... both
songs that i cant stop listing too... well thanks to this
site i found out that film is a real working of aphex
twin... but anyone know about Nice? it sounds like his
work... but am not sure.

thanks for the help... i know trying to find out a real
aphex and a fake is not easy.



M from Fraggle Rock on 2001-06-13 18:18 [#00009506]

BAsically, it would be illegal for anyone to release
material under "aphex twin" without being aphex twin. So if
you go to stores, online or otherwise, you should see his
releases only provided the store is credible. It's actually
"flim" by the way, but what's in a name.


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